Transylvanian Machine Learning Summer School
16-22 July 2018, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

The first edition of the Transylvanian Machine Learning Summer School (TMLSS) took place in Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania, Romania, from 16th to 22nd of July 2018. The focus of this edition was Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning.

All the lab materials, including full solutions, are now available on github. Check out the tmlss2018 repo.

We have put together a report summarising our motivations and experience in organising TMLSS. As part of the first step for planning the next edition, we have decided to change our name to better reflect our mission! We are now EEML (Eastern European Machine Learning summer school) with a new domain at More details coming there soon!

Participants of TMLSS2018


You can find a press release describing the school here (in English) and here (in Romanian).



Doina Precup   Dumitru Erhan   Guido Montúfar   Jan Chorowski   Kyunghyun Cho
Doina Precup
McGill University & DeepMind
  Dumitru Erhan
Google Brain
  Guido Montúfar
University of California, Los Angeles
  Jan Chorowski
University of Wrocław & Google Brain
  Kyunghyun Cho
New York University & Facebook AI Research
Lucian Bușoniu   Luigi Malagò   Maria-Florina Balcan   Marius Leordeanu   Nicolas Heess
Lucian Bușoniu
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
  Luigi Malagò
Romanian Institute of Science and Technology
  Maria-Florina Balcan
Carnegie Mellon University
  Marius Leordeanu
Politechnica University of Bucharest & Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy
  Nicolas Heess
Oriol Vinyals   Raia Hadsell   Razvan Pascanu   Ulrich Paquet
Oriol Vinyals
  Raia Hadsell
  Razvan Pascanu
  Ulrich Paquet

   Practical sessions

David Szepesvari   Diana Borșa   Mihaela Roșca   Viorica Pătrăucean   Wojtek Czarnecki
David Szepesvari
  Diana Borsa
DeepMind & University College London
  Mihaela Rosca
  Viorica Patraucean
  Wojtek Czarnecki

Teaching assistants:

Alexandra Peste, Catalin Perticas, Dimitri Marinelli, Homa Davoudi, Mihai Baba, Riccardo Volpi, Sabin Roman


Doina Precup   Luigi Malagò   Răzvan Florian   Razvan Pascanu   Viorica Pătrăucean
Doina Precup
McGill University & DeepMind
  Luigi Malagò
Romanian Institute of Science and Technology
  Răzvan Florian
Romanian Institute of Science and Technology
  Razvan Pascanu
  Viorica Patraucean

Local Support

We thank the following persons for their hard work and support in organizing the school:

Cristina Bompa Romanian Institute of Science and Technology 
Laura Rus Romanian Institute of Science and Technology 
Larisa Calo Romanian Institute of Science and Technology 

Additionally we acknowledge the invaluable support of our volunteers:

Ali Davody, Alina Enescu, Anna Kiss, Cristian Ivan, Deepika Kumari, Gabriel Marchidan, Petru Hlihor, Radu Marginean, Septima Sarbu, Stefana Ghiurco, Zoltan Szabo


Romanian Institute of Science and Technology Babeș-Bolyai University


We thank our sponsors for their support:

Diamond Sponsors

Logo DeepMind Logo Siemens

Platinum Sponsors

Logo Intel Logo Everseen Logo Amazon Logo AIJ Logo The Curios AI Company

Gold Sponsors

Logo Bitdefender Logo certSIGN Logo Rakuten
Logo Facebook Logo Tora Logo Continental
Logo Google Logo Bosch Logo General Intelligence

Silver Sponsors

Logo Accesa Logo Catalysts